Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Praise the LORD for His love and His mercy endurance forever and ever among the His people

Praise the LORD for His love and His mercy endurance forever and ever among the His people we Thanks our heavenly Father God and all of our Prayer partner who is helping us in prayer to fulfill His great commission in Nepal ,yes we are grateful to you all our prayer Partner.

This young boy was suffering from depression since fourteen months and he has lost his study for fourteen months because of depression no doctor and medicine cure him Praise the Lord God heal him completely  now he is studying class Nine.

  This old woman was suffering stomach problem since Nine months she could not eat any food, only drinking  water very few doctor advised her need to operation but it was so risk because of her age and health but now she received healing and now she can eat and drink very well Praise the Lord.

 This Girl was suffering from epilepsy since two years and she need to used medicine and now she received healing from JESUS, now she not need to use any medicine.

This man  was suffering from his neck problem and he could not move his neck if he need move his neck he need to move his body since Seven months Praise the Lord,  but now he has heal