Monday, June 9, 2014


Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy we Thanks to God that we success training in west Nepal People are so happy and excited to participate in training and during the this training Hindu woman accepted Christ as her personal Savior and received Bible.

People are gathering to participate in training  after the morning devotion.

During the Class, teaching by Pastor Rajan.

Our youth team preaching the gospel around the village during the training.

We Distributed Bible after the training.

A Hindu woman Accepted Christ and received Bible after the end of Training.

Group Photo Session those are participated training.

A person suffering from blood cancer since a year and doctor gave him 5 months time only but we meet him and   we pray to God He healed him two months ago and he has accept Christ and Received Bible.

Prayer Request from Pastor Rajan and Santa: Please pray for us and people of Nepal and we have been praying for Bara for medical mission or camp you know this remote village. You can pray for us, visit our Country for mission trip and you can donate us for His Kingdom. Thank you

Pastor Rajan and Santa
Bharatpur Christian Fellowship
John 14:6 Ministries
Post Box No.3010 Narayangarh Chitwan, Nepal