Thursday, October 30, 2014

They are so happy to received mosquito nets and are save from malaria please pray for them we need 40 blanket for them for winter they are living in jungle and whole nite some of them spent the night with fire wood foe warm in winter season.

Pastor and Leaders fro tribal society they are living in the Jungle and this kind of home please pray for them.

A little Tribal Boy received a mosquito Net.

They are so happy to received mosquito nets and they are save from malaria please pray for them.

This is the Mosquito net we distributed .

Monday, October 20, 2014

Ministries in BARDIA west Nepal.

  • Our Leader Santosh with his wife in west Nepal please pray for him he is doing ministry among the land less society.

They are reading Bible last time we provided 150 Bible fo
r them now we are praying for medical camp over there to show the love of Jesus they are needy and back ward society so we need your help and prayer to fulfill His great commission. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Last week I preach Christ His Birth,Death and His Resurrection.

Please Pray for this Church people are so hungry for Christ they are so happy to heard the Gospel and they invited me to their place again and our ministries want to help them with Spiritual cover but for me difficult to visit again and again because of far and we have been planing and praying to help them 30 blankets because now winter is coming and one blanket cost is US $ 12 only  so our ministries request to you please pray for it.
Thank you
Pastor Rajan and Santa   

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Please pray for our ministries  every month we have mission prayer every month in different place where our branches church located we participated fifteen Pastors and leaders with woman leaders from their church. 
We have been praying for all the Pastors, leaders,Missionaries and Evangelist through out the world for expand His kingdom, please join us in prayer.