Monday, December 9, 2013

People are Hungry in Nepal.

I have heard about a Kind of people in this world that they eat their own Children Meat to fulfill their Hunger. May be you also have heard and also many saw those kind of People. Today I want to tell you some People who are not Physically Hungry but they are Hungry in their Spirit and hungry for the Lord. 

I want to share you our recent trip to Palpa (a Hilly Region) of Nepal. It is situated in Lumbini Zone in Nepal. In the Month of October 2013, I had got an Opportunity to go to Palpa. We walked by foot for 12 hours from Aarunkhola Village to go to meet them. We were 5 people in a team from Different Villages. 

We Start our Journey from Chetratandi Aarunknola early in the morning @ 7 am with 5 Members team. We carry some Waters and Sweets while walking. Whom ever we met on the way, we preach them about Jesus and Salvation through Him. Many People they were Blessed and they accepted Jesus also on the way too. 

I still remember, We cross same river for Several time on the way to Galda (Palpa) After walking for every 5 kilometer we need to stop and take rest.  It was
Crossing Same River Several time
so difficult to Climb up Hills but we were enjoying Taking Gospel among the People who were really waiting us to hear His word.

On the way where we stop, We sing Song and rejoice. We Pray for the people whom we meet on the way. People they welcome us so warmly even in the way whom we meet. We took some Gospel Tracts and we give to those people who can read it. 
After Walking for 11 Hours, We saw village Galda. Our First Junction was Mittal and we reached at 6 pm. We meet some people there and also spend one night over there. The People in that village came to us to have fellowship. We were so glad to meet them and hear what Lord has done in their life. Great Testimonies of sing and miracles in their life. After Hearing the stories from there I felt that Spirit of the Lord is moving there and His Spirit is touching every bodies life. 

The Same evening, we pray for some People who were sick. People in that area had so much faith in God. Only the problem is they do not know who True God is. I realize that People are so Devotee but are away from Lord and I found it is all because they do not Know the True God. I start preaching them about Jesus and Tell them Truth. After I Pray for them and preach them, I saw Some Rejoice and Happiness in their faces. People were having such a faith that, whom we were praying Lord touches them in the same place. Many People heard the gospel and many people were also Healed same time. 

Finally, the next day we went to GALDA. People were waiting us to hear the Gospel. Many Sick people were brought in that Place for healing prayers. We pray for them and We heard the testimony that God has done mighty things in their life. I am glad to hear that 4 people accepted Christ at the same in that village. 
We had spent such a tremendous time with the people in Hilly region. They were such a Hungry that Only the word of God can fulfill their Hunger. 

We are success in Planting a Church there. Now This Church has 26 Members and I heard that every day People are added in Church seeing sign and Miracles from the Lord with their own eye and hear with their own Ear. 

My Great Desire is to see all Galdi Village be saved in Christ. I am Planning to Prepare an Evangelist Or a Missionary from this area by sending in Bible Training. After a Training, I want to use him to take Gospel in his area and bring all the people in Christ. I need Prayers and Support from all of our prayer partners. 

Thank You 

May God Bless You 

Senior Pastor Rajan Sunar

Bharatpur Christian Fellowship - Chitwan, Nepal. 

Founding Director - John 14:6 Ministries, Nepal. 

Vice President - Bharatpur Christian Society

Chief Advisor - Chitwan Christian Society

Advisor - Helping Heart Society - (NGO) 


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