Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Trip to Siraha,Eastern Nepal

I visited to Purandi Village which lies in Siraha district of Sagarmatha zone for evangelical works on December 13, 2013. I traveled by bus and its was 7 hours journey. I reached to Gol Bazaar. It is a small town. I stayed there at night in the hotel.

This is the picture of Gol Bazaar
Next morning I reached to Purandi village walking 2 hours on foot. There are 65 houses in that village. Among those houses, only one house family members are believers.

These are the houses in that Purandi village. Rain, storms, etc. are the great risks to such houses.People there spend their lives in such risks.

Sharing the gospel with the village people in open area. People are listening and they are happy to hear the love of Jesus.
People there are so helpless and needy.

Water they used to drink dirty and open place and they have to walk 2-3 miles from their house to fetch water.

Woman are use the caring water to their house it is so difficult to them to carry water.

Family of believers where I stayed and had fellowship and pray with them. They are so happy and encouraged because among 65 houses one family is Christian only.
Therefore I request you all please pray for Purandi Village and people living there in east nepal SIRAHA.
Thank you very much.

                                               Pastor Rajan Sunar
                                         Bharatpur Christian Fellowship
                                                 John14: 6 Ministries


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amen praise GOD ALMIGHTY. May GOD open hearts and doors for you and your ministry. Philippians 4
